The Drug Bank Society of Aligarh Muslim
University is a non-political, non-profitable, charitable
organisation run by a group of students with philanthropic
aim which includes supply of drugs and blood free of cost
to poor and needy.
Collection of money:
Volunteers look every nook and corner to
collect money and find channels for generating funds. Money
is collected on monthly basis so that transactions become
easy but there is no compulsion. There is provision for money
given as "Zakat" but that should be notified to
before taking receipts from the volunteer because it is to
be used accordingly.
Collection of Physician’s
The volunteers who look after this unit
give frequent visits to the consultants, Registrars &
PG’s for drug samples so that it could be given to the
needy. We made a list of all these to avoid any sort of misuse.
Patient’s Selection
Volunteers visit the wards daily and gather
informations about those who deserve help mainly from the
Consultants, Registrars, PG’s and paramedical staff.
After getting information they approach the respective patient
and inquire about his/her financial status. After a quick
judgement, if the patient is found to be really needy, then
we arrange for the requirements. Special emphasis is given
to orphans, widows and children.
Arrangement of Blood:
Another approach in this regard is the arrangement
of the blood. We have prepared a Blood group list of all under
graduates of JNMCH and other volunteer donors. We fulfil the
requirement of blood only if the patient is found to be needy
and who can not arrange it for him/her self.