Sites in United Kingdom .
This is part of United
Kingdom Based WWW Servers. See there for other sites and how to submit new
- University
of Aberdeen.
- The
University of Abertay Dundee. (Experimental.)
- A pilot WWW server at the University of
Abertay Dundee (formerly DIT). The UK's newest university.
- Anglia
Polytechnic University. (Experimental.)
- Built
Environment Research. Current research activities regarding the
modelling and measurement of the energy and environmental performance of
- Information
Systems Computing. Links to course info and information relating
student info
server of ULTRALAB is a learning technology research centre, of interest
to everyone in the learning/teacher training/educational software fields.
- Armagh
Observatory. (Experimental.)
- Current activities at and history of Armagh
Observatory. Links to astronomical resources.
- Armagh
Planetarium. Planetarium Activities, astronomy and a tourist
guide to the city and district of Armagh.
- Aston
- Information about the University.
(Bath Information & Data Services).
- General information about BIDS - a provider
of bibliographic data services. (Part of the University of Bath).
Bulletin Board for Libraries Information Service.
- University
of Bath.
- Birkbeck
College, University of London.
- The
University of Birmingham.
- University
of Bradford. (Experimental.)
- University
of Brighton.
- Information about the University of Brighton
- University
of Bristol.
- Information about the University.
- Department
of Computer Science. (Experimental.)
- Department
of Economics. (Developing.) Information about staff,
research, seminars, post-graduate research and courses.
- Faculty
of Law. (Developing.) Primarily information about the
Department of Law, but also postgraduate admissions information.
- Department
of Geology.
- Department
of Mathematics. Seminar news, technical reports, software
videos, images of the Department's work.
- Molecular
Recognition Centre. (Developing.) Members, research index
and available facilities
- Department
of Physics. (Under construction.) Current physics
research at the University of Bristol
- Department
of Politics. (Developing.)
- School
of Biological Sciences. Info on biology teaching and research at
- School of Chemistry.
Spectra Server. (Experimental.)
Node for the distributed EPR database. Specialisms : Chemistry
(Electron Exchange), Earth Sciences (Archaeological,
Palaeontological, Geological uses) of electron magnetic resonance
data. Spectra from Bruker ESP300E..
- Social
Science Information Gateway. Economic and Social Research
Council gateway to Social Science resources.
- TheBritish
Computer Society.
- British Geological Survey.
- British
Society for Plant Pathology.
- Information about BSPP, its aims, meetings
programme, publications, journal contents list, membership application.
- Brunel University.
- University
of Buckingham. (Developing.)
- Information about the schools available at
the University. Also general academic information including research and
postgraduate opportunities.
- University
of Cambridge.
- Provides access to other information services
and information about the University.
- Cambridge
- The
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. Providing information
relating to the Cambridge Structural Database System, including documentation
in HTML format. Also a slowly growing postcard
- Cambridge
University Press. Information on Cambridge University Press
& complete online catalogue.
- Department
of Chemical Engineering. (Developing.) Provides
information about the Chemical Engineering Department, including a list
of academic staff and research interests.
- Chemical
- Centre
for Atmospheric Science. Provides information relating to
the Centre (general info, seminars, publications etc), information
on the UK Universities Global Atmospheric Modelling Programme
(general, data, software) via links to the anon. ftp server at
- Computer
Laboratory. maintains links to all known Cambridge information
servers. We also have the first coffee
machine on the web so you can see how full it is and hence whether
it is worth visiting it :-)
- Computer
Laboratory Alternative Home Page. A fun a flexible test page.
- Engineering
Department. Provides faculty staff and student information,
including research information.
- Control
Group. Sited in the Engineering Department is the home of
the WWW Virtual Library on Control Engineering information,
containing links to many other information sources relevant to
control around the world.
- Speech,
Vision & Robotics (SVR) Group. (Developing.)
Provides information about people in and activities of the SVR
Group. Also has links to related, handy or just-for-the-fun-of-it
WWW sites.
- Faculty
of Mathematics. (Developing.) Information on postgraduate
study; links to DAMTP and DPMMS.
- Global
Security Programme. A home for innovative interdisciplinary
research and teaching which embraces the fields of international
relations, communications studies, conflict resolution, environment and
development studies
- Institute
of Astronomy.
- The
Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes.
- Isaac
Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Information about
the Institute (under construction) Resources for Egyptologists
- Department
of Pathology. Part II Pathology course info, Oligos-U-Like DNA
synthesis, various Molecular Genetics info and links around the world.
- Department
of Pharmacology. Departmental information and research
- Department of Physics.
- Royal
Greenwich Observatory.
- School
of Biological Science. Provides a wide variety of links to
useful information resources for biologists. In addition, it supports a
BLAST gateway for sequence database similarity searching.
- Statistical
Laboratory. Department information, research interests and links
to members' home pages.
- Charing
Cross and Westminster Medical School. (Experimental.)
- Teaching and research interests, and also
more general medical issues.
- The City
University, London.
- Contains links to other services and maps of
the area and the campus.
- UCL,
University College, University of London.
- UCL-Info, a campus-wide information system
including events diary of UCL, UCL Union and the Bloomsbury Theatre.
- University
College Salford.
- Computers
in Teaching Initiative.
- Information on the CTI and related
initiatives as well as links to all CTI Centres.
- Cranfield
- Specialises in Engineering, Applied Science,
Manufacturing and Management in the industrial, commercial, rural, defence
and public sectors.
- Daresbury
- Based near Warrington in north west England.
It provides research facilities for academic and industrial users from the
UK and other countries. These include:
- a 2 GeV synchrotron radiation source;
- advanced computing facilities, including
parallel computers;
- RUSTI, the Research Unit for Surfaces,
Transforms and Interfaces.
- De
Montfort University.
- Information about the University, its
departments and staff.
- University
of Derby. (Developing.)
- Course Details, Multimedia Teaching &
Learning, Applied Vision, Research Details, Design Research Centre
- University of Dundee.
- Durham
- Information about the University and links to
other departments.
- European Research Community On Flow
Turbulence And Combustion (ERCOFTAC) database
- University
of East Anglia. (Experimental.)
- The University Information Service - all
- University
of East London.
- This is the Computer Centre provided WWW
server with information about directory, mail, Faculty Information (courses
etc in development).
- Edge
Hill College of Higher Education. (Developing.)
- At the moment just links to external sources.
Information about the College is currently being prepared.
- Edinburgh
- EDINFO - the University of Edinburgh's
Information Service
- Department
of Archaeology. Information about the Department, its staff,
undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
- Department
of Artificial Intelligence.
- Artificial
Intelligence Applications Institute. With information on its
technical focus, research groups, projects and clients.
- Department
of Business Studies.
- Centre
for Cognitive Science. Centre for Cognitive Science.
- Centre
for Neuroscience. Guide to Neuroscience teaching and research.
- Chemical
Engineering Department. Information about the department, its
teaching, research and people.
- Computational
- Computer-aided
Learning In Veterinary Education (CLIVE). A consortium of the
Universities of Edinburgh (lead site) Bristol, Cambridge, Glasgow,
Liverpool and London (Royal Veterinary College).
- Department
of Computer Science.
- Computing
- Divinity
- The
Edinburgh Ras Shamra Project. (Experimental.) A
digital image archive of clay tablets written in the Ugaritic
language and coming from the modern tell of Ras Shamra. Also images
of artefacts and of the site itself.
- Edinburgh
University Hellénic Society. Local news, member lists, and
pointers to Greek stuff around the Net.
- Edinburgh
Management School.
- Edinburgh
Microsoft Windows Academic Centre.
- Edinburgh
Parallel Computing Centre(EPCC).
- Department
of Electrical Engineering. (Developing.) Intro to
department, publications database, teaching notes (from within
university only).
- European
Network in Language and Speech (ELSNET).
- Faculty
of Music. Information about the faculty of Music at the
University of Edinburgh
- Department
of Geography. Information on Geography, Geographical Information
Systems Resources, Scotland and Tour of the City of Edinburgh.
- Human
Communication Research Centre.
- Department
of Linguistics. Names of staff, students; information on
courses, research; on-line papers
- Department
of Mechanical Engineering. Feature Recognition, Feature Based
Design, Genetic Algorithms, Manufacturing Planning, Design for Automated
Process Planning
- Department
of Physics. (Developing.) Work in the department, some
posts available. A lot more to come in the realatively near future.
- TheRoyal
(Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. A wide range of information
about the depart, staff, courses and links to other veterinary and
medical servers.
- Department of Social Anthropology.a
resource on the following subjects: social anthropology; meat and
vegetarianism; environmental information; environmental activism.
- Nick
Fiddes. (Developing.) a resource on the following
subjects: social anthropology; meat and vegetarianism; environmental
information; environmental activism.
- Tardis
Public-Access Service. (Unofficial.) A free, networked
public-access UNIX service run by students in the Department.
- UK
Library Catalogues. All the academic libraries in the UK.
- Unix
Help. (Experimental.) Hypertext of helpful information
for new users of the UNIX operating system.
- Edinburgh
Mathematical Society. (Developing.)
- The principal academic mathematical society
in Scotland, with information on meetings programme, journals, etc.
- Department
of Engineering Mathematics. (Developing.)
- Lists of staff, courses, research topics
- University
of Essex.
- University
of Exeter.
- University
of Glamorgan. (Experimental.)
- University information
- University
of Glasgow.
- Links to information services at the
- Goldsmiths
College, University of London.
- University
of Greenwich. (Developing.)
- The HEPDATA High-Energy Physics database of
published numerical results organised by Mike Whalley.
- Harper Collins.
(Developing.) Information about and access to the "Bank of
English" langauge corpus and COBUILD dictionaries. COBUILD is
attached to the School of English at the UNiversity of Birmingham.
- Heriot-Watt
- University
of Hertfordshire. (Developing.)
- Higher
Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
- Set up by the UK universities and higher
education colleges to collect, analyse and report on HE statistics.
- Higher Educational National Software
Archives (HENSA).
- The
University of Huddersfield.
- University
of Hull. (Developing.)
- Access to academic dept WWW Servers;Local
Info services Miscellaneous Information. Provided by the Computer Centre.
- Imperial Cancer Research Fund.
- Imperial
College, University of London.
- (Centre For Computing Services) Providing
information about IC, Computing facilities, and other local information.
- Department
of Chemistry. For details of this department its staff,
facilities and courses.
World Association of Theoretical Organic Chemists
- Department
of Computing. Guide to the Department, its staff, students and
research work.
- Mathematics Department.
- Transitional
Mathematics Project.
Information about the project to write self-study materials for
A-level mathematics, intended as remedial material for first-year
university students, using the computer algebra system Mathematica.
- Mechanical
Engineering Department. Courses available, members of staff and
forthcoming seminars.
- Mineral Resources Engineering.
- Department
of Physics. Contains information about the teaching and research
in the department, including undergraduate and postgraduate prospectuses
and the annual reports of the various research groups. There are also
links into independent servers run by some of the research groups and to
various external servers of interest to physicists.
- Condensed
Matter Theory Group. Contains information about the group's
activities, seminar lists, course prospectuses, publications, as
well as links to other servers of interest to condensed matter
- Laser
and Spectroscopy Group. Description of research areas, staff
list, research opportunities, and short courses.
- Space
and Atmospheric Physics Group. Contains information about
the group's activities, seminar lists, course prospectuses,
publications, as well as links to other servers of interest to
condensed matter physicists.
- Theoretical
Physics Group. The server contains infomration on the IC
Theoretical Physics Group, as well as links to an FTP server
containing recent preprints from members of the group. There are
also a number of links to sites of interest to Theoretical
Physicists, including all the known UK Theoretical Physics Groups.
We also include all the known servers at Imperial College.
Northern Europe. The largest archive in the UK. Providing
information and programs for most makes of system and a wide range of
information services.
- Institute
of Arable Crops Research.
- Institute
of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, Accounting Information
- The "Summa" Project. This is the
site of a World Wide Web information server for Accounting Academics,
students and professionals.
- TheInstitute
of Physics.
- Information and services available from The
Institute, plus publications from Institute of Physics Publishing.
- Institution
of Electrical Engineers (IEE).
- To promote the advancement of electrical and
manufacturing engineering and to facilitate the exchange of information and
- International
Organisation of Palaeobotany.
- Located at the University of East London,
this experimental service provides: newsletters; patterns of evolution of
some plant groups; lists of extinct plant species; Plant Fossil Record
database (PFR2) WWW Oracle gateway.
- JET Joint
- Information on the EC funded, Joint European
Torus a research project into nuclear fusion.
- Janet
Information Server.
- Information about JANET, the UK academic and
research network.
- Keele
University CWIS.
- Keele University Campus Wide Information
Service provides information about the University, its departments and
- University
of Kent at Canterbury (UKC).
- Information about teaching and research
within Computing Science. (Also the UNIX
Hensa software archive.)
- Kings
College, University of London. (Experimental.)
- Primarily the King's Information Service (CWIS)
& access point for networked resources
- Kingston
- Kingston
Universtity. (Provisional.)
- Lancaster
University. (Provisional.)
- The
University of Leeds.
- University
of Leicester.
- Information about Linux, the Un*x like
operating system for PC's.
- The
University of Liverpool.
- From the Computing Services Department.
- London
Business School. (Experimental.)
- One of the world's centres of excellence in
management education and development.
Business Education. Postgraduate Degrees: MBA PhD MSc Finance. Executive
Education. Research Programmes.
- London
Guildhall University. (Developing.)
- The
London Institute.
- a single federated structure five of the most
famous art and design colleges in the world
- London
Parallel Applications Centre.
- A leading centre of expertise in the use of
Parallel Processing and High Performance Computing in Financial and
Commercial applications.
- London
School of Economics (LSE).
- Information about LSE, including telephone
& email directories. (Shared server with British Library of Political
& Economic Science.)
- Loughborough
University of Technology.
- Information about the University, including
research interests and academic departments
- Mailbase.
- Mailbase is the national electronic mailing
list service for the UK academic and research community. Access to the
archives and memberships of the public lists on the system.
- The
Mammal Society.
- Membership details, academic information
Mammal fact sheets, publications
- The
University of Manchester.
- Information about the University and its
- Biological
Sciences Graduate School. Information on graduate training and
research interests.
- Computer
Science Department. A wide range of information about the
- Department
of Geology. Information about the department, its staff,
courses, research and how to reach it.
- John
Rylands University Library.
The objective of KINDS is to create a system to increase the use of the
National Data Sets by educating users and potential users in how to use
- Manchester
Computing Centre. Will shortly be used for the Central NRS (Name
Registration Scheme) database.
- Computer
Graphics Unit. Computer Graphics services, software,
research, images, computer graphics and scientific visualization
- The
Manchester Materials Science Centre. Information about student
- The
Manchester and the North High Performance Computing Training and
Education Centre. Information, course timetables and course
materials (freely available to UK academics) on all aspects of high
performance computers, networks, and visualisation.
- Department
of Mathematics. (Experimental.)
- PharmWeb.
PharmWeb is intended to be a pharmacy information resource and link to
other pharmacy servers on the Internet.
- Department of Physics and Astronomy.
- Manchester
Business School.
- The server will eventually provide services
related to business and finance with particular
- Manchester
Computing Centre (MCC).
- Information about the University and its
- Computer
Graphics Unit. Computer Graphics services, software, research,
images, computer graphics and scientific visualization information.
Manchester Information Datasets and Associated Services, providing a
National Datasets Service to Universities throughout the UK
Vector Supercomputing Service. On-line access to, and support
for, researchers who need to perform long calculations.
- University
of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST).
- The Manchester Metropolitan University.
- Centre
for Maths Education. (Experimental.) Education and
mathematics education resources, ejournal "Chreods", and local
research papers
- Centre
for Policy Modelling. Information on the centre and on modelling
economic situations.
- Department
of Computing. Will eventually provide info on all department
resources , activities and courses. Other services Uni-wide to be
- The
Surfers W3 Server. (Unofficial.) This server provides news
and information relating to the Surfers interactive chat program.
- Medical
Research Council.
- Medical
Research Council . (Developing.)
- Description of the MRC. Contact addresses
& phone nos. for all MRC Research Units, links to other WWW servers in
the MRC, links to other Research Councils' servers.
- MidKent
InterNetwork. (Developing.)
- MidKent InterNetwork at Mid-Kent College
- Middlesex
- School
of Computing Science. Staff, interests, courses, and how to get
there. Some research is being done in automatically generated Web
- The NISS
Information Gateway.
- National Information Services and Systems
provides information services for the UK Higher Education community
Central Database.
- The NRS aims to provide a central list of
services available to the UK academic community.
- Napier
University. (Experimental.)
- Napier University WWW server
- National
Council for Educational Technology (NCET).
- NCET is an educational charity funded by the
Department for Education (UK), to be the national focus of expertise in
educational technology. NCET develops and promotes the use of technology in
every area of education and training.
- National
Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC).
- National Institute for Medical Research.
- Natural
Environment Research Council.
- UK body charged with undertaking and
supporting scientific research into all aspects of the natural environment.
- The
NetEc Project.
- NetEc unites three projects for networking
interaction in academic economics that aim to improve the communication of
new research results via electronic media.
- University
of Newcastle.
- Links to campus and other information
- University
of North London.
- University
of Northumbria.
- University
of Nottingham. (Developing.)
- Information on the University.
- Department
of Computer Science.
- Communications
Research Group. Information on the Department of Computer
Science and the Communications Research Group. Also includes an
archie gateway, and UK independent music scene information base.
- Department
of Electrical Engineering. (Developing.) Academic and
research information
- Department
of Geography. (Experimental.) Remote Sensing, GIS
- Department
of Mathematics. Information on the department how to reach
there, its staff seminars, and undergraduate course.
- Department
of Mechanical Engineering. (Experimental.) Information on
the Department
- The
Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre(NASC). Information on seeds.
- Department
of Physics. (Developing.)
- Psychology
Department. (Experimental.) Information about research,
people and courses.
- Artificial
Intelligence Research Group. Information about research
covering the areas of knowledge acquisition, knowledge-based
systems, autonomous agents, intelligent tutoring systems, planning,
natural language understanding and cognitive modelling
- School
and Faculty of Education. Courses, publications, email addresses
for staff & research students
- The
Nottingham Trent University. (Experimental.)
- Department
of Computing. (Developing.) Provides research information,
online papers, also course and personnel information.
- Department
of Manufacturing. (Experimental.) Home page for the
Manufacturing Automation Research Group. Brief Descriptions of current
research activities.
- The Open
- Information about our study methods, awards,
the subjects we teach and full descriptions of all current courses.
- Oxford
University Networked Information Service.
- Details on the University and on information
servers around it.
- Oxford
Brookes University.
- Information about the University. Various
schools pages and numerous external links.
- University
of Paisley.
- Partnership
in Advanced Computing Technologies (PACT).
- PACT is a collaboration between Inmos and the
Science Research Foundation (SRF).
- Department
of Physics.
- University
of Plymouth.
- Department
of Applied Social Science. Provides information about the
Department and links to information sources of use to students and staff
in Social Science.
- Local
Government Elections Centre. The unit was originally established
to collect, collate and publish the results of local elections in Britain
but over the years its work has expanded considerably.
- Plymouth
Business School. (Developing.) Provides information about
the Faculty; its staff, courses and research.
- School of Electronic, Communication and
Electrical Engineering.
- Political
Studies Association. (Developing.)
- To develop and promote the study of politics.
- The
University of Portsmouth. (Developing.)
- General information about the University of
- Queen's
University of Belfast.
- Information on the University and information
sources inside it.
- Queen Mary
and Westfield College, University of London.
- University
of Reading. (Developing.)
- Research and Intelligence Unit (RIU) of
the Scottish Office Education Department.
- Educational
Research in Scotland. Details of research in education in
Scotland, both that funded by the Scottish Office Education Department,
Research and Intelligence Unit (RIU), and by other agencies
- The Robert
Gordon University.
- The
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. (Experimental.)
- News of the Botanical, Conservation
- The
Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine.
- RFHSM Campus Information Service
- Royal
Holloway, University of London.
- Information about the University
- Royal
Observatory, Edinburgh.
- Information about the Observatory and links
to other Astronomy related servers.
- Royal
Postgraduate Medical School, University of London.
- Information regarding the RPMS, located in
Hammersmith, London
- The
Royal Society of Edinburgh . (Developing.)
- Scotland's premier learned society, with
information on meetings programme, journals, fellowships, etc.
- The
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory(RAL).
Cambridge Computer Science Research Centre.
- Research in natural language processing and
formal verification of hardware and software systems.
- Sabhal
Mor Ostaig.
- Scotland's Gaelic-medium college on the
island of Skye. Providing college course information. Gaelic language
information. (Most Web pages are in Gaelic, some in English.)
- University
of Salford.
- Information about the University, and
University College Salford, and associated commercial organisations. There
are pages for all Departments
and Research Institutes.
- School of Advanced Study, University of
- The
School of Ocean Sciences.
- Introduction to the Ocean Sciences, the Menai
Strait, the undergrad and post grad courses, research facilities.
- School of
Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
- School
of Pharmacy, University of London. (Experimental.)
- The
University of Sheffield.
- Based at the Academic Computing Services,
with links to local information services.
- Sheffield
Hallam University. (Experimental.)
- Schools and departments of the University.
- Society
for Experimental Biology.
- A European Society covering all areas of
- South Bank
- University
of Southampton.
- St.
George's Hospital Medical School, University of London.
- Campus information, courses for all, computer
based learning, large medical image library, live data feeds, remote control
- University
of St Andrews.
- Staffordshire
- University
of Stirling.
- University
of Strathclyde.
- This is run by the Computer Centre. Lists
courses offered by the Centre, centrally managed clusters and contains links
to other WWW servers on campus.
- University
of Sunderland.
- Information about the University.
- SuperJANET.
- An information source of the UK SuperJANET
- University
of Surrey.
- Run by the University Computing Services and
the George Edwards Library. With information about the University, services
and facilities run University Computing Services and a guide to the George
Edwards Library.
- Surrey
Institute of Art and Design.
- University
of Sussex. (Developing.)
- Information about the University, its
teaching and research facilities. There is also information about to reach
the University.
- University
of Teesside. (Experimental.)
- Information about the University of Teesside
- Thames
Valley University. (Experimental.)
- Basic info about TVU.
- The
UK Car-Parrinello Consortium (UKCP).
- An association of computational
condensed-matter research groups
The UK Office for Library and Information Networking.
- Links to various library related services.
- UK
Simulation Interoperability Working Group.
- Information on modelling and simulation,
especially the Distributed Interactive Simulation protocol (IEEE 1278)
(University of London Computer Centre).
- Services include massive online archival,
media production and interchange, and short training courses. We also run
the first Web Direct
Dialing service.
- University
of Ulster.
- Uniras
UK User Group (UUUG).
- UUUG Conferences and Journals, Uniras
Frequently Asked Questions Links to Uniras and AVS resources.
- United
Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St. Thomas's(UMDS).
- With information about UMDS and links to
other related servers.
- University
of Wales, Aberystwyth (UWA).
- Information about the University in both
English and Welsh.
- University
of Wales, Bangor.
- University
of Wales, Cardiff.
- University of Wales College Cardiff and the
University of Wales College of Medicine.
- University
of Wales, Lampeter.
- Information about the university and some
departments (more to follow)
- University
of Wales, Swansea.
- Warwick
University (WINFO WWW).
- Warwick Information WWW Service
with lots of info about the University and things relating to it.
- University
of the West of England.
- University
of Westminster.
- University
of Wolverhampton.
- Information about the University. The
internal phone book, shuttle bus time tables.
- University
of York (YorkWeb).
- A range of information for both
staff/students, visitors, potential students and industrial contacts.
