The First Annual Conference of Society of Pharmacovigilance (India)


International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring

On February 8-9, 2002


S. N. Medical College, Agra

The Organizing Committee cordially invites you to participate in the first ever conference of the Society of Pharmacovigilance (India) and International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring to be held between 8th to 10th November 2001 at the premises of S. N. Medical College, Agra.

The Organizing Committee is striving hard to make the first ever conference of the society very fruitful and enjoyable event. The scientific programmes has been meticulously planned to provide an in depth and extensive coverage of pharmacovigilance.

The last date for sending the abstract is 30.9.2001. Please send the abstract in not more than 200 words in three copies on plain paper.

Registration Fees:

Upto 30.9.2001: Rs. 600 for single, 900 for couple and 400 for PG Students

Upto 31.10.2001: Rs. 700 for single, 1000 for couple and 500 for PG Students

Spot: Rs. 800 for single, 1200 for couple and 600 for PG Students

Demand Draft Cheques should be payable to "INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ADR", Payable at AGRA.

Hotel Tariff:

Grade "A" Hotels

Single: Rs. 1,800 to 10,500

Double: Rs. 3,000 to 35, 000

Extra Bed: 500 to 12,00

Grade "B" Hotels

Single Rs. 1,000 to 2,200

Double: Rs. 2,200 to 3,200

Extra Bed: 300

Grade "C" Hotels

Single Rs. 600 to 1,200

Double: Rs. 1,400 to 2,600

Extra Bed: 200

Limited Dormitory Youth Hostel accommodation is also available on first come first serve basis. For Hotel reservation, please send two days advance payment. The category applied can be changed depending upon availability of accommodation.

For detail, contact:

Dr. Shobha Kulshreshtha

Organizing Secretary

Deptt. of Pharmacology

S. N. Medical College, Agra-282002

Phone: (R) 0562-350703


Dr. K. C. Singhal

Professor & Chairman

Deptt. of Pharmacology

J. N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University,

Aligarh -202002

Phone: (O) 0571-700584, (R) 0571-404612, Fax: 0571-508013, E-mail: